How much uncertainty can you take on a daily basis? New York Times bestselling author and wellness advocate Kris Carr shares her journey of personal and professional thriving despite living with rare and incurable stage-four cancer. Kris shares insights from her new book, I’m Not a Mourning Person, and discusses the significance of self-care, emotional […]
Read More… from 4. KRIS CARR: Thrive amid Uncertainty and Loss
Are you the hero, villain, or victim in your own story? Bestselling memoirist and business book author Donald Miller shares the connection between storytelling, personal growth, and professional success. He emphasizes “editing one’s life” to live a better story, highlighting intentional decision-making and stress management. The conversation explores the transformative power of rituals and the […]
Read More… from 2. DONALD MILLER: Edit Your Life for Success
What do you do when you bring home the biggest bonus check of your life but your wife says she feels like a single mom? Or, what do you do if your struggling children need their mom, but you’re too busy to be available to them? In this debut of The Double Win, Michael Hyatt […]
Read More… from 1. DEFINING THE DOUBLE WIN: Win at Work and Succeed at Life